Julianne on set with “Just A Drill”
Julianne is a filmmaker and photographer in Los Angeles.
Growing up on a farm in rural central California, she entertained herself with a mix of classic horror films and musical theater. A founding member and director at The Coeurage Theatre Company in Los Angeles, she first branched into film by creating online short content inspiring her toward an MFA in Film and TV Production at USC.
Her dark short film about an active shooter drill at a high school, Just A Drill, was the selection for the Women in Film production program, and is currently featured on Short of the Week. Continuing to explore uncomfortable subject matter, she directed a short dramatic thriller about survivor’s guilt following a terrorist bombing titled, Split Second, starring Jessica Parker Kennedy.
Her love of photography is directly tied to her love of film, and you can schedule a session here.
When she has a rare moment of spare time, she plays accordion, knits, and bakes like Ina Garten.